Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth." - Martin H. Fischer

Today's Topic?
Breakfast at Tiffany's

It is possibly, in my opinion ofcourse, one of the greatest movies of all time. I have a complete obsession with it and the star of the movie Audrey Hepburn, such a wonderful actress. For all you non-classic movie fans who have no idea what and or who I am talking about, shame on you! just kidding :)
I suggest a quick Google search will help clear up your confusion.

Audrey's style through out the movie is gorgeous.

The Iconic LBD

The fabulous hats

Just love <3

This is the portrait of her I got for Christmas

Did you know they originally wanted Marilyn Monroe to play Audrey's Character Holly Golightly?
Marilyn turned it down she was advised that playing a prostitute would be bad for her image

Marilyn Monroe...
...beautiful woman but, not a fan of her work. I can't even imagine her playing Holly Golightly, Audrey does it so well. I identify with Holly in many ways. This one quote she says at the end of the movie really gets to me.
"I'm not Holly. I'm not Lula Mae, either. I don't know who I am! I'm like cat here, a couple of no-name slobs. We belong to nobody and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other."
Everytime I hear it, I just feel like hm...this sounds like me. I have an idea, I guess, of who I am but I don't know, if that makes sense. Anyway...
Thank you  Truman Capote for writing such a lovely book and Blake Edwards  for making it into an amazing film for no-name slobs like me to enjoy!

One thing the movie was criticized for was the casting of  legendary actor Mickey Rooney to play the Asian character Mr.Yunioshi
It really takes away from the movies greatness

So fellow followers of mine...
(all 0 of you)
What is YOUR favorite classic movie?


  1. breakfast at tiffanys and im not sure this is counted as a classic but i love what women want x

  2. I love classic movies! Sometimes I wish I lived back then, because the stars seem to have more talent. Now it's like anyone can be famous without trying very hard. My favourite movie is probably White Christmas 'cause I watch it every year as tradition. Breakfast at Tiffany's was a great movie too.

  3. thanks for the comments!

    and @Epic Child 'White Christmas' is one of my favs too! :)

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